Showing posts with label Kids Worksheet Kids worksheets test papers kids study material Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 study sheets Small kids workbooks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kids Worksheet Kids worksheets test papers kids study material Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 study sheets Small kids workbooks. Show all posts

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Mathematics WorkSheet 6

  • 1)  Do the following
    1. Multiply 46 by 8
      1. Ans: 
    2. Divide 36 by 2
      1. Ans:
    3. Multiply 48 by 6
      1. Ans: 
    4. Divide 96 by 3
      1. Ans:
    5. Divide 198 by 3
      1. Ans:

  • 2) I can read 1 story in 5 mins, how many stories i can read in:
    • 1 hour?
      • Ans:
    • 2 hour?
      • Ans:
    • 1 hour 30 mins?
      • Ans:
    • 45 mins?
      • Ans

  • 3) I can read 2 stories in 15 mins, how many stories i can read in:
    • 30 mins?
      • Ans:
    • 1 hour?
      • Ans:
    • 1 hour 30 mins?
      • Ans:

  • 4) In one hour I can read 5 stories, how much time it takes me to read one story?
    • Ans:

  • 5) I have to distribute 52 candies to 4 friends, how much candies each one will get?
    • Ans:

  • 6) I got 4 candies each from my 5 friends, how many total candies did I received?
    • Ans:

    Tuesday, April 13, 2021

    Mathematics Worksheet 5


    Kids Maths printable exercise
    Grade 1 - Grade -3 kids worksheet

    1) I have Rs. 63. I had brought 2 bananas for Rs.7 each. I want to buy chocolates with the remaining amount. Each chocolate cost Rs. 7. How many chocolates i can buy?

    • 53 chocolates
    • 5 chocolates
    • 9 chocolates
    • 7 chocolates
    2) My School starts at 8:30. It takes me 2 mins to cover 1 km. My School is 5 km away. At what time i have to leave from home for school?

    • 8: 10
    • 8:20
    • 7:50
    • 8:00
    3) My School starts at 8:45. It takes me 5 mins to cover 1 km. My School is 9 km away. At what time i have to leave from home for school?

    • 8: 10
    • 8:20
    • 7:50
    • 8:00
    4) I have an ant which walks 3 m per min. How much it will walk in 1 hour?
    • 150 m
    • 180 m
    • 120 m
    • 60 m
    5) It takes 5 m cloth to make Idhita's dress. 1 m cloth cost Rs 40, how much money i need to buy the cloth for my dress?

    • Rs. 200
    • Rs. 300
    • Rs 400
    • Rs 540
    6) I did whats app video call with my 3 friends today. We chatted for 50 mins. Then i called Nani and chatted for 25 mins. At last, i called Dadu and chatted for 30 more mins. How much time i chatted today?

    • 1 hr 30 mins
    • 1 hr 45 mins
    • 2 hrs
    • 1 hr 55 mins
    7) I got 6 chocolates for Rs. 48. How much each chocolate cost?

    • Rs 6
    • Rs 8
    • Rs 7
    • Rs 48
    8) I got 2 balloons for Rs 20 . How much each balloon cost?
    • Rs 2
    • Rs 10
    • Rs 20
    • Rs 100
    9) Each day my papa gives me 10 questions to solve. How many questions i have to solve in one whole month of April?

    • 310
    • 300
    • 30
    • 31
    10) I have a new rack section in my Almera,  it has 6 racks. In each rack i have placed 8 clothes. How many total clothes i have placed in my new rack section of my Almera.

    • 48 clothes
    • 36 clothes
    • 54 clothes
    • 30 clothes