Friday, April 2, 2021

Mathematics Worksheet - 4


Mathematics worksheet - 4

Kids Maths printable exercise
Grade 1 - Grade -3 kids worksheet

1) I go to school from Monday to Friday, and Saturday Sunday are holidays. Today is 21st March 2021 and its Sunday.  For how many days i have to go to school in whole March month ?

  • 7 days
  • 8 days
  • 10 days
  • 31 days

2) I have Rs. 56 and i want to buy chocolates. One chocolate cost Rs. 7, how many maximum chocolates i can buy with my Rs. 56.

  • 7 chocolates
  • 9 chocolates
  • 8 chocolates
  • 10 chocolates
3) It takes me 3 mins to drive 1 km. My school is 5 km away. I started from home at 7:00, what time i will reach school?

  • 7:10
  • 7:15
  • 6:45
  • 8:00
4). I sleep 10 hrs every day, for how many hours i am awake everyday?

  • 10 hrs
  • 14 hrs
  • 13 hrs
  • 24 hrs
5) How many hours are there in 10 days?

  • 24 hrs
  • 240 hrs
  • 120 hrs
  • 10 hrs
6) How many days are there in leap year?

  • 31 days
  • 365 days
  • 366 days
  • 30 days

7) Which two continuous months has 31 days?

  • July & August
  • September & October
  • June & July
  • August & September
8) In one tennis basket there are 50 balls. I do practice with these balls. Today i played 3 full baskets.  How many totally balls i played today?

  • 100 balls
  • 150 balls
  • 50 balls
  • 3 balls
9) I pick 1 balls in 1 second, there are totaly 70 balls needs to be picked. How much time i will need to pick them?

  • 1 min
  • 50 mins
  • 1 min 10 sec
  • 100 sec
10) 1 potato weights 100 grams (g), i want to buy 1 kilo grams (kg) potato? How many potato i will get in 1 kg?

1 kg = 1000 g
  • 5 potato
  • 1 potato
  • 10 potato
  • 100 potato

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